Carnivore Diet is a weight loss formula. Focusing on eating all kinds of meat, eggs, milk, butter, yogurt, spices, pepper, salt, herbs. Such as turmeric without eating any plant-based foods, vegetables, fruits. Which the CD weight loss formula is not a new way. There is a medical report that the Carnivore Diet is a formula used to treat allergy patients or diseases. That cause inflammation in the body. Such as rheumatoid arthritis Or bush disease, etc.
In order to lose weight, those who eat the Carnivore Diet will adhere to the principle of eating just enough to be full is to eat. When hungry stop eating when feeling full no calories set. There is no limit on eating hours. In the beginning, you can eat as much as you want to make yourself feel full. Later, you will feel full faster. Until eating less and less because the body begins to adjust to a state of ketosis (Ketosis) or a condition. In which the body begins to burn fat that has been stored for a long time used as energy itself. UFABET
Carnivore Diet What are the benefits?
If according to medical principles The CD diet, or meatless. Starchy diet is a diet that cuts calories from foods that are high in sugar. Or food that provides energy but does not provide any benefits. Such as soft drinks, sugary drinks, desserts, sodas, various bakeries. So may contribute to weight loss and Shawn Baker, osteopathic doctor Advocates of the CD diet also cite the results of tests on CD-eating subjects showing. That the meat-only diet helped treat depression, anxiety, arthritis, diabetes and obesity. However, at present there is not much research on the effects of eating the Carnivore Diet, especially if taken long-term.