Category Archives: HEALTHCARE

slight increase in energy metabolism

Protein may help with a slight increase in energy metabolism.

Protein may help with a slight increase in energy metabolism. Accelerating your metabolism can help you lose weight faster. Because they burn more calories. The body requires 20-30% more calories to burn protein, 5-10% carbohydrates, 0-3% fat. This means that the body will burn more energy when

Protein in breakfast

Protein in breakfast How it helps in losing weight

Protein in breakfast How it helps in losing weight ? Protein is the key nutrient for weight loss. The fact is, eating more protein will help you lose weight more effectively. Some studies have shown that protein improves appetite levels and prevents overeating. So starting your day with protein

benefits from a napping

7 benefits from a napping

7 benefits from a napping. although time was like money, and this is why humans are the only animals that sleep only once each day, that is, at night. But we probably noticed that the dog and cat will sleep during the day. Several times a day This

Covid-19 vaccine

Covid-19 vaccine How is it important for immune system?

Covid-19 vaccine How is it important for immune system?? Why did it cause a war? The beginning of 2020 can be considered extremely cruel. For all countries of the world Due to the spread of the coronavirus and ufabet . That affect the immune life of each country Including

eat before exercise

Should I eat before exercise?

Should I eat before exercise?When it comes to eating pre-workout Will find that each person has a different way Some people choose to eat simple carbohydrate or protein foods. Like bread or bananas but some people choose not to eat anything (Fasted Cardio), which depends on individual preferences and

causes of depression

4 risk causes of depression The imminent threat of the digital age

4 risk causes of depression The imminent threat of the digital age. Depression can occur during the life of a person from a low level. Reach a level that affects everyday life As with other physical diseases. Such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure. Even with the world

Meditate to create aura for the baby's face that everyone can do.

Meditate to create aura for the baby’s face that everyone can do.

Meditate to create aura for the baby’s face that everyone can do.Bright face with concentration, anyone can actually do it (not bragging)Today, people around the world practice meditation widely. Because there are many studies Finding benefits from meditation therapy, especially for physical and mental health, and to

conquer memory

6 TIPS conquer memory

What is amnesia? 6 TIPS conquer memory. Amnesia is a condition in which the brain begins to impair memory. Although they are not as dangerous as other serious diseases, they have a profound effect on daily life. 1. Keep things in order.    Keep things in an

why running works better

5 scientific reasons why running works better for you

5 scientific reasons why running works better for you. Looking for inspiration to get up And went out for a run, right? No need to go and browse for Instagram inspiration. Or other social sites. We switche to looking at scientific facts. There’s definitely something more interesting than trying to

Heartbeat with exercise

Zone heartbeat with exercise

Heartbeat with exercise The heart is an important organ for the body. It has the function of pumping blood to nourish various systems to function. In the body, from the cellular level to all organs, there is a need for energy and biochemicals to function. By relying on the